Friday, December 30, 2005

why should this blog have any significance

Is that a question, or an answer to a formerly asked question, you'd ask. Well frankly my dear, I don't give a million dollars to anyone, even to the most beautiful little girl's mother or the poorest family or the most miserable young man and even not to people I hate. Because and the reason for that is simple: what I love to own right now is a million dollars. Thus I must say the only illustration to what I just stated above is nothing but a picture that is, in no means whatsoever, in relation with my thoughts. Given the fact that I didn't write this thing alone, I must correct and say "WE don't give", "people WE hate", "what WE love", "thus WE must say", "WE just stated above", "OUR thoughts", "Given the fact that WE didn't write this thing", "WE must correct and say".

Here's the picture: